TextingOnly: Bridging the Gap Between Web and App Engagement

By Mark Nugent

April 11, 2024

The app store is a crowded marketplace. With over 1.8 million apps vying for attention, even the most well-designed app can get lost in the shuffle. There are costs associated with building, testing, and maintaining an app as new versions of phones and operating systems are released. This is especially true for small businesses that lack the marketing budget, and resources of industry giants.

But what if there was a way to leverage the power of text messaging to drive users to your app store listing, website, or directly into your app’s functionalities? TextingOnly offers a unique solution that bridges the gap between web and app engagement, all through the ubiquitous SMS channel.

The Bottom Bar Advantage: Convenience Over App Overload

Think about your own smartphone habits. How many apps do you have buried deep within folders, rarely seeing the light of day? Most users have a core set of apps – phone, SMS, maybe social media – that reside on their bottom navigation bar for easy access. TextingOnly capitalizes on this behavior, allowing businesses to communicate directly through the built-in SMS app, eliminating the need for yet another app download.

Frictionless Download Tracking and Remarketing

TextingOnly goes beyond simply sending SMS messages. It provides valuable insights into user behavior. Did a user download your app or go to the web content from your SMS link? TextingOnly tracks that conversion. If not, it creates a re-marketing opportunity, allowing you to send targeted messages that nudge them towards a download or a web visit.

Driving Engagement Beyond the First Interaction

The journey doesn’t end with the download. TextingOnly allows you to create targeted campaigns that drive users back into your app or web content, keeping them engaged and interacting with your brand.

Cost-Effective Remarketing with UTM Tracking

Compared to the often-expensive world of online re-targeting, TextingOnly offers a cost-effective solution. Text messages cost pennies to send, a fraction of the price of online advertising. UTM parameters are built directly into TextingOnly, allowing you to precisely measure the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns and track user behavior.

The All-Encompassing Solution: Web or App, TextingOnly Delivers

In today’s digital landscape, the lines between web and app are increasingly blurred. TextingOnly bridges this gap seamlessly. Whether you want to drive users to your app store listing, a specific web page, or directly into your app’s functionalities, TextingOnly provides the tools and insights to achieve your goals.

Stop struggling with app discovery and user engagement. Leverage the power of TextingOnly to bridge the gap between web and app and create a seamless user journey.

It only takes a few minutes to add Texting Communication channel to your website with our click-to-text-mobile link tool. Schedule a call with our team today!

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