
Recruiting & Staffing

Automate and Save Time

Our no-code SMS data collection bot can be customized to meet the specific needs of recruiting & staffing agencies. TextingOnly’s system is user-friendly and easy to create customized messages to prospective candidates — returning the responses directly into your dashboard. Make use of easy automations to save time and resources at various steps in the communication process.

recruiting and staffing

SMS Tools for Recruiting and Staffing

Solutions for Recruiting & Staffing

The candidate application process is a critical part of any agency’s  success. Link to applicant systems from inside of SMS to leverage existing infrastructure. Re-market to those who have not completed applications, and receive reports and alerts on engagement.

Speed to the Applicant. Automated resposes ensure that every candidate is given prompt attention, reducing the risk of losing a qualified candidate to another job offer.

The Human Capital Problem

Save time by qualifying potential clients through a customized intake funnel. Recruiters often have to hire additional staff just to manage the application process, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

With its conversational SMS application process, TextingOnly Automations takes the burden off of staff, freeing them up to focus on more high-level tasks.

SMS Platform for Recruiting and Stafffing

Users Initiate the SMS Conversation

Applicant funnels can be used in print, digital media, signage, and display for direct response.

Multilingual SMS Conversation Funnels

Generate more applicants with Spanish and other language funnels and eliminate communication gaps.

Print- and Click-to-Text Automations

QR Codes and mobile links to start the interaction with prospective leads.

Actionable Dashboard and Alerts

Our platform includes a convenient online dashboard for viewing leads and applicant data.


Simple to Use and Does Not Require Any Coding

Applicant funnels can be used in print, digital media, signage, and display for direct response.

Our platform provides conversational intake funnels based on user opt-in. Easily set up automated SMS application flows on all your media to provide direct response using conversational SMS.

Schedule a demo with one of our experts to see how TextingOnly can work for your team.

Next-Level Applicant Funnels

Personalize Interactions

Easily personalize interactions with both new prospects and current customers. This can make your interactions more relevant and engaging.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Easily automate repetitive tasks like collecting customer responses. This can free up staff time to focus on more important tasks.

Measure and Track Results

Track & measure the results of your campaigns. This information can be used to improve your metrics and processes over time.

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