Frequently asked questions about TextingOnly and our suite of business texting tools. Our SMS marketing platform offers a number of advanced options for business of all sizes across various industries.

Text message on phone

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TextingOnly?

TextingOnly is a business texting platform that offers a suite of SMS tools for businesses. Our ever-expanding list of texting tools help companies of all sizes in various industries modernize communication with current customers, and also generate high quality leads for new business.

What is SMS?

SMS stands for Short Message Service, which is also known as a text message.

What is MMS?

MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service, or a text message that includes multimedia in the message.

What is the difference between SMS and MMS?

MMS refers to text messages that include a file like an image or video, while SMS refers to a traditional text message that does not include an attached file.

Does it cost more to send an MMS message vs. an SMS message?

Yes, MMS requires more data to send compared to a traditional SMS, so the cost per message is higher for MMS.

Can TextingOnly send 1-to-1 messages like a phone?

Yes, you can have unlimited 1-to-1 text conversations with contacts in the TextingOnly dashboard. Instead of using your phone, you can text and track conversations within our online dashboard.

Can TextingOnly send messages to lists?

Yes, TextingOnly can send messages to opt-in lists only. If you have purchased a list from a third party and do not know the opt-in statuses, our platform is not for you.

What is OTTO?

OTTO is a fully customizable, conversational SMS bot that can be used by businesses for various purposes. OTTO can be used to ask customer questions, collect information, gather feedback, generate leads, and more. Learn More

What value does OTTO bring?

OTTO, our automated text bot solution, allows small businesses to free up time and resources that would normally be used responding to clients and/or prospective customers via text. OTTO can handle the bulk of SMS responses in a text conversation and is fully customizable in the TextingOnly dashboard. OTTO can be customized to ask questions in succession for a specific purpose – the potential use cases are endless. Learn More

What is an Interactive Text Response (ITR) menu?

Our interactive text response (ITR) menus are the texting alternative to interactive voice response (IVR) menus. Our ITRs use SMS to interact with clients/customers much like IVR voice menus do on phone calls. Learn More

What are the benefits of using OTTO?

There are many benefits to using OTTO, including:

  • Improved customer service: Otto can ask customer questions, and promote products and services. This can free up employees to focus on more complex tasks, and it can also improve customer satisfaction.
  • Generated leads: Otto can generate leads by qualifying customers and collecting contact information. This information can be used to follow up with customers and nurture leads into sales.

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In what ways can OTTO help a business?

OTTO can help businesses to reduce the costs of data collection. OTTO can be used to automate tasks, such as qualifying questions  and collecting feedback. This can help businesses to save time and money. Additionally, OTTO can help businesses to improve the quality of their data. OTTO can be used to screen respondents, validate data, and identify outliers. This can help businesses to ensure that their data is accurate and reliable.

How do SMS response rates compare to email?

Email read rates and SMS read rates vary depending on a variety of factors, including the industry, the target audience, and the content of the message. However, in general, SMS read rates are significantly higher than email read rates.

According to a study by Experian, the average email open rate is 20%. However, the average SMS open rate is 98%. This means that SMS messages are more likely to be opened and read than email messages.

There are a few reasons why SMS read rates are so high.

First, SMS messages are delivered directly to the recipient’s phone, which makes them more noticeable than email messages, which can get lost in a crowded inbox.

Second, SMS messages are typically shorter and more concise than email messages, which makes them easier to read and understand.

Third, SMS messages are more immediate than email messages, which makes them more urgent and attention-grabbing.

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