Frequently asked questions about TextingOnly and our suite of business texting tools. Our SMS marketing platform offers a number of advanced options for business of all sizes across various industries.

Text message on phone

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is TextingOnly?

A: TextingOnly is a comprehensive SMS marketing platform designed to help organizations connect, engage, and monetize their audience through text messaging. It offers a user-friendly interface, data tracking, compliance features, and additional services like QR code generation.

Q: Who can benefit from TextingOnly?

A: TextingOnly is a great fit for educational institutions, athletic programs, and businesses of all sizes. It’s particularly beneficial for those seeking to improve communication with students, alumni, fans, or customers, as well as for organizations looking to increase sponsorship revenue or streamline event registration.

Q. Why is localized texting important for enterprises with multiple locations?

A: Customers are more likely to engage with texts from a local number they recognize. TextingOnly provides local exchange numbers for each of your locations, fostering trust and boosting response rates

Q. Why is localized texting important for enterprises with multiple locations?

A: Customers are more likely to engage with texts from a local number they recognize. TextingOnly provides local exchange numbers for each of your locations, fostering trust and boosting response rates.

Q. How does TextingOnly ensure brand consistency across all my locations?

A: TextingOnly allows you to create and manage top-level templates, automations, and data collection strategies that can be applied consistently across all locations. This ensures a unified brand voice and customer experience.

Q. Can TextingOnly scale with my growing enterprise?

A: Absolutely! TextingOnly is designed to be scalable. You can easily manage numbers, permissions, and settings for all your locations from a single platform, even as your business expands.

Q. How can I integrate TextingOnly with my existing systems?

A. TextingOnly offers flexible integration options to connect with your CRM, POS, marketing automation, and other tools. We can also provide custom integration solutions tailored to your specific n

Q. Can I outsource my texting projects to TextingOnly?

A. Yes! TextingOnly offers agency services to help you plan, execute, and optimize your texting campaigns. Our experts can handle everything from strategy to implementation, freeing up your team to focus on other priorities.

Q. What kind of data insights can I get from TextingOnly?

TextingOnly provides robust reporting and analytics tools to track message delivery, open rates, click-through rates, and more. You can also collect zero-party data directly from customers to better understand their preferences and tailor your messaging.

Q. Is my data secure with TextingOnly?

Yes, we prioritize data security and comply with industry best practices. We use encryption and secure protocols to protect your data, and we regularly conduct security audits to ensure the safety of your information.

Q: What are TextingOnly Language Funnels?

A: Language Funnels are a powerful tool within the TextingOnly platform that allow you to create interactive text message conversations in multiple languages. This means you can engage with customers or prospects in their preferred language, even if your team doesn’t speak

Q: How do Language Funnels work?

A: You create your conversation flow in English (or your base language). TextingOnly then automatically translates it into the languages you choose. When a customer interacts, they select their language, and the funnel guides them through the conversation in their chosen language.

Q: Which languages are supported?

A: TextingOnly supports a wide range of languages, including Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Arabic, Pashto, Nepali  and many more. The list of supported languages is constantly expanding.

Q: Do I need to hire multilingual staff to use Language Funnels?

A: No, that’s the beauty of it! Language Funnels handle the translation automatically, so your team can focus on crafting the content and managing the conversations in their own language.

Q: What are the benefits of using Language Funnels?


  • Expand your reach: Connect with a global audience and break down language barriers.
  • Improve customer experience: Provide personalized communication in customers’ preferred languages.
  • Boost engagement: Increase response rates and lead conversions.
  • Save on costs: Reduce the need for multilingual staff and translation services.

Streamline operations: Automate language selection and translation.

Q: Can I customize the Language Funnels for my specific needs?

A: Absolutely! You have full control over the questions, answers, and flow of the conversation. You can also personalize messages and tailor the experience to your brand’s voice.

Q: Can I use TextingOnly for one-to-one conversations?

A: Yes, we offer both one-to-one messaging and automated SMS options to suit your business needs.

Q: How does TextingOnly help with partial form fills?

A: TextingOnly tracks partially completed SMS conversations, similar to abandoned cart notifications in e-commerce. This allows you to follow up with potential customers who didn’t finish providing their information, increasing your chances of conversion.

Q: How does TextingOnly's pricing work?

A: Our pricing is based on your specific needs and usage. We offer tiered plans with different levels of customization, features, and support. After an initial consultation, we’ll recommend a plan that fits your budget and goals.

Q: What's included in the customization and onboarding process?

A: We start with an in-depth audit of your existing SMS strategy (or help you build one if you’re starting from scratch). Then, we’ll design a campaign structure tailored to your objectives, create any necessary interactive elements (menus, data collectors), and train your team on how to use the platform effectively.

Q: I'm new to SMS marketing. Can TextingOnly help?

A: Absolutely! We specialize in helping businesses of all levels leverage the power of SMS. We’ll guide you through every step, from strategy development to execution, ensuring you have the knowledge and tools to succeed

Q: How long does onboarding typically take?

A: Onboarding time varies depending on the complexity of your needs and the level of customization required. However, we strive to get you up and running as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality or attention to detail

Q: What kind of ongoing support does TextingOnly provide?

A: We offer various levels of ongoing support, including technical assistance, strategy consultations, and performance reporting. We’re committed to your long-term success and will be there to help you navigate any challenges or opportunities that arise.

Q: How is TextingOnly different from other SMS platforms?

A: Unlike most platforms that simply provide the software, TextingOnly takes a hands-on approach. We focus on customization, onboarding, and ongoing support to ensure you get the most out of your SMS efforts and achieve real, measurable results.

Q: What is call diversion?

A: Call diversion is a strategy businesses use to manage incoming call volume. It involves directing callers to alternative channels, like self-service resources or text messaging, instead of immediately connecting them with a live agent.

Q: Why would a business want to divert calls?

A: There are several reasons:

  • Cost reduction: Handling calls is expensive. Diversion can lower staffing needs.
  • Improved efficiency: Self-service options are faster for simple inquiries.

Better customer experience: Some customers prefer text communication for convenience and accessibility.

Q: Is call diversion a good idea for every business?

A: It depends on your specific needs and customer base. Analyze your call data to see if there are common inquiries that could be handled through self-service or text messaging

Q: How does texting fit into call diversion?

A: Texting offers a powerful alternative to phone calls:

  • Interactive Text Response (ITR): Offer callers a text-based menu to guide them to the right information or department.
  • Proactive outreach: Send reminders, updates, or promotions to reduce the need for calls in the first place.

Two-way conversations: Address customer concerns and answer questions directly via text.

Q: What are some best practices for implementing text message call diversion?


  • Offer text as an option in your IVR: Let callers choose how they want to interact.
  • Promote text options: On your website, social media, and other customer touchpoints.
  • Design intuitive text menus: Keep it simple and easy to use.
  • Personalize when possible: Use customer data to tailor messages.

Measure and optimize: Track results and adjust your strategy based on feedback.

Q: How does TextingOnly streamline event registration?

A: TextingOnly integrates QR codes into your event registration process. Attendees simply scan the QR code with their smartphones to quickly register and provide their information, making the process faster and more convenient.

Q: Can I use TextingOnly alongside email marketing?

A: Yes! TextingOnly complements email marketing. You can add SMS opt-in options to your emails, allowing subscribers to receive updates and alerts through both channels.

Q: Why is texting becoming more important in demand marketing?

 A: Consumer preferences have shifted towards convenient, quick communication. Texting aligns with this preference, allowing businesses to engage leads and customers in a channel they already use frequently.

Q: Do consumers actually prefer texting over phone calls for business communication?

A: Yes! Studies show 60% of consumers prefer texting businesses, while only 18% would choose a phone call if given the option.

Q: How can texting automations help businesses beyond lead generation?

 A: Texting is great for nurturing customer relationships. It can be used for appointment reminders, promotions, feedback surveys, and ongoing customer service, ultimately boosting lifetime value.

Q: What are some specific ways businesses can use texting in demand marketing?

A: Here are a few examples:

  • Click-to-text buttons on websites or social media
  • SMS marketing campaigns with promotions and special offers
  • Text message reminders for appointments or events
  • Text-based surveys to collect feedback

Q: Are there any legal considerations I need to be aware of when texting customers?

A: Yes, it’s important to follow best practices for SMS marketing, such as obtaining explicit consent from users before sending messages, respecting opt-out requests, and being transparent about message frequency and content.

Q: How does an ITR menu differ from a regular text message?

A: ITR menus are interactive and guide users through a series of options, similar to a voice menu. They enable customers to self-serve and find information without needing to wait for a live agent.

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