
Home Healthcare

OTTO from TextingOnly is a no-code SMS data collection tool that can be customized to meet the specific needs of home healthcare providers. Create custom data collection campaigns in minutes, and increase the accuracy of intake funnels. Automate repetitive tasks and reduce human error.

home healthcare

SMS Tools for Home Health Care Providers

Customizable SMS Automations

Our platform offers up dynamic SMS automations that save time, increase lead quality, and bolster marketing campaigns.

OTTO collects data directly from user interactions via conversational SMS — a natural and engaging way to collect data.

Improve Lead Quality

Create customized intake funnels for marketing campaigns. Responses are returned directly into the dashboard for viewing and/or downloading.

Our online dashboard is easy to use, customizable, and can increase the accuracy of leads.

Home Health Care Sample Use Cases

Job Prospects

Automate the intake of lead data for job applicants.

Direct Mail

Add in a QR-code-to-SMS option to mail campaigns.

Staff Communication

Easy SMS communication with list-based management.

Sphygmomanometer Gauge

Requires no coding. Simple to get started.

TextingOnly’s platform generates everything you need for digital, direct mail, print,
and streaming platforms to support marketing campaigns.

→ Campaign Creation
→ SMS Number with OTTO
→ No-Code Customization
→ QR Code Generation
→ SMS Data Collector
→ Conversational SMS
→ Lead Notification System

Chat with one of our experts to see how TextingOnly can work for your team.

OTTO + Home Healthcare

Print, digital media, signage, etc.

Intake funnels can be used for direct response campaigns of all kinds.

User-initiated conversations

Users scan a QR code or digital link to start the conversation via SMS.

Print advertising lead generation

Use OTTO-enabled QR codes within print campaigns to capture leads.

Manage data in a convenient dashboard

Our dashboard makes it easy to customize interactions with leads.

Next Level Intake Funnels

Personalize interactions

Personalize interactions with leads and customers by using their name and other personal information. This can make your interactions more relevant and engaging.

Automate repetitive tasks

Automate common tasks like sending out SMS messages, qualifying leads, and collecting responses. This can free up your staff time to focus on more important tasks.

Track and measure results

OTTO provides detailed analytics so you can track and measure the results of your lead funnels. This information can be used to improve your campaigns and processes over time.

How OTTO works

QR Code Scans

Users scan a QR code and then move directly into an opt-in SMS conversation.

SMS Delivery

Users receive intake qualification questions via SMS, all specific to home healthcare.

Customized Interactions

Each individual message can be customized to keep the conversation moving.

Final Messaging

The final message can contain contact information that can be saved as a contact card.

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