

SMS for Member-Based Organizations

The landscape of member communication is evolving. While email and web remain valuable tools, Associations need innovative solutions to reach their members effectively in today’s mobile-first world. TextingOnly offers a powerful SMS communication platform specifically designed to meet the needs of associations and member-based organizations.

Engage and retain members with TextingOnly

Key Features for Associations

Segmented Communication

Account structure allows you to tailor your message to specific member groups.

Email-to-SMS Conversion

Embed an SMS opt-in within email for a seamless transition to text communication.

Event Registration via Text

Simplify event registration with a convenient text-based option that saves time.

Click-to-Text Automations

Allow members to initiate text conversations through existing channels.

Benefits for Your Association:

Boosted Member Engagement

Keep members informed and connected with relevant, timely communication.

Increased Revenue Streams

Seamlessly utilize SMS for event promotion, member offers, and more.

Improved Member Retention

Stronger communication leads to happier and more engaged members.

Streamlined Overall Workflow

Automate tasks and personalize communications for a more efficient operation.


Simple to Use & Requires No Coding

A powerful solution, enabling associations to:

Connect with Members on Their Terms: Offer communication through the preferred channel – SMS. Texting boasts a 98% open rate, ensuring your messages are seen and acted upon.

Personalize Communication: Segment your member base by state, interests, city, and more. This allows for targeted messaging that resonates with specific member groups.

Unify Communication Channels: TextingOnly seamlessly integrates with email and your website.

Email-to-SMS automation: Allow members to update communication preferences, register for events, and more directly from an existing email.

Drive Member Engagement: Click-to-text and print-to-text automations simplify communication for members. Members can initiate conversations or access information through familiar touchpoints.

Unlock New Revenue Streams: Leverage SMS for event promotion, registration campaigns, and exclusive member offers.

A Bridge to Stronger Member Relationships


Segment your member base by state, interests, city, and more, for targeted communication. This ensures members receive


Leverage SMS for event registration, exclusive member offers, and other monetization opportunities


Embed an SMS opt-in within email communications for a seamless transition to text communication.

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