Business Text Messaging

Advanced SMS Marketing with Automation and Tracking

Tools that have been reimagined from traditional voice, media, or email communication to harness the power of SMS.

Improve lead quality and increase conversion with powerful SMS marketing tools. Modernize communication with customers and prospects through automation and tracking.

Text (SMS) conversation

Text Messaging Platform for Business

Get Better ROI

Improve return on investment for existing marketing campaigns like direct mail.

Add New Lead Channels

Test new & modern marketing initiatives that revolve around texting/SMS communication.

Modernize Communication

Interact and engage with prospective clients. Expand your reach to new demographics.

Automated Text Messaging

Qualify Leads

Discover & qualify new leads and prospects easily via text conversations.

Gather Feedback

Collect & organize feedback from clients or customers seamlessly with SMS.

Interact & Engage

No matter what the purpose or cause, SMS is an effective way to communicate.

A pair texting

SMS Lead Generation

Improve the Quality of Leads

OTTO is a customizable, conversational SMS data collection system used to ask questions inside of the SMS framework on the prospect’s phone.

This makes it a more effective lead qualification tool than web form fills, which have no visibility into partial form fills, and high abandonment rates.

Our platform makes it easy to increase the quality of incoming leads. Layer powerful SMS tools on top of existing marketing campaigns to quickly bolster return on investment.

Strengthen SMS Marketing Campaigns


SMS is a must-have in any tech stack. What is your current SMS strategy?


Extend the reach of your overall marketing efforts with SMS campaigns.


Integrate SMS into exiting marketing campaigns and/or with additional tools.


Increase conversion with simple, yet highly effective, methods revolving around SMS.


Improve communication and increase engagement with leads and/or clients.


Reduce the number of low-quality leads to sift through with better qualification.


Create custom and unique campaigns using SMS. Our platform is highly flexible.


Easy-to-use, no-code tools allow for quick adaptations to campaigns on the fly.

TextingOnly with OTTO

Get in touch with us today to learn more

Dynamic SMS automations with OTTO save time, qualify leads, and track interactions. OTTO is a no-code conversational SMS tool that can be customized to meet the specific needs of any organization. Create campaigns in minutes, increase the accuracy of your lead funnels, automate tasks, and reduce human error.

Qualify leads

OTTO is a customizable SMS lead collection system that can be customized to ask qualification questions inside of the SMS framework.

Personalize interactions

OTTO can help you to personalize interactions with leads and customers. This can make your interactions more relevant and engaging.

QR Code to SMS for Lead Generation

One-to-One SMS Messaging

Send personalized messages from a local number to engage leads. Customize interactions as needed.

Single Number Conversational SMS

Allow prospects to interact directly with OTTO for lead qualification. Gather initial information via text.

Effortless Lead List Management

Seamlessly capture prospect data. Easily view & manage leads in the online dashboard.

Enhanced Data and Message ID

Get additional insights into prospects and leads to help supercharge the qualification process.

Text Messaging Tools to Improve Conversion

Modern SMS Platform

Our robust SMS platform provides businesses with the tools to communicate with prospects and customers via text.

It’s easy to create customized messages to prospective leads, and conversations are instantly available into the dashboard.

Automation & Tracking

OTTO is a no-code conversational SMS tool that is both flexible and highly customizable.

As part of the core software, OTTO is launched by scanning a QR code, clicking on a mobile link, or texting a keyword to a unique number.

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