
Real Estate Agents & Brokers

Create SMS lead campaigns for buyers, sellers, open house guests, and for-sale signage in minutes. TextingOnly offers no-code SMS data collection tools that can be customized to meet the specific needs of real estate agents and brokers.

Lock and key

Real Estate Sample Use Cases

Buyer & Sellers

Capture home buyer & seller leads.

For-Sale Signs

Add SMS to for-sale signs qualify leads.

Open House Sign-in

Connect with prospects during open houses.

SMS Tools for Real Estate

Dynamic SMS Automations

TextingOnly with OTTO provides dynamic SMS automations that save time, qualify leads, and track open house guests.

Our platform is easy to use, customizable, and can increase the accuracy of leads. OTTO collects data directly from user interactions by conversational SMS, a natural and engaging way to collect data.

Advanced SMS Tools

Our no-code system provides Spanish/English SMS conversation funnels based on user opt-in. Generate more leads, referrals and eliminate communication gaps for open house attendees.

Create SMS-based intake interactions for buyers, sellers, open house visitors, and more.

QR code scan

Easy to customize and requires no coding. 

Real Estate Lead Funnels can be used in print, digital media, signage, and display for direct response.

Our system provides both home buyer and home seller SMS conversation funnels based on user opt-in. Set up OTTO for a digital registration vs. the paper and pen sign in form.

With OTTO, you can choose from a variety of question templates or create your own. A conversation is launched by scanning a QR code, clicking on a mobile link, or texting a keyword to a TextingOnly SMS number.

Schedule a demo with one of our experts to see how TextingOnly can work for your team.

OTTO + Real Estate

Users Initiate the SMS Conversation

Real estate lead funnels can be used in print, digital media, signage, and display for direct response.

Spanish/English SMS Conversation Funnels

Eliminate communication gaps for prospective clients, and generate more leads.

Get Quality Leads from Signs

Find buyers by using OTTO to capture leads and relay important information via SMS.

Manage Data in an Online Dashboard

View lead data conveniently online. View details individually or download in CSV format.

Take Lead Funnels to the Next Level

Personalize Interactions

Personalize interactions with leads and customers by using their name and other information. This can make your interactions more relevant and engaging.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Free up time by automating repetitive tasks, such as qualifying leads and collecting customer responses. This can allow you to focus on more important tasks.

Track and Measure results

View intake details in a convenient online dashboard. This aggregated and individual information can be used to improve your campaigns and processes over time.

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